Coaching can be a powerful way to level up in life, business or work.

Imagine having someone who is dedicated to connecting you to what’s important to you, getting yourself out of the way and feeling empowered, fulfilled and clear about how to amplify your impact.

Start with a  Sense-Making Session where you get all the stuff out of your head and find some clarity on what you really want to focus on. You might be surprised at how simple it can be to gain perspective.

To find out if this is right for you, contact Tathra to discuss. Or if you’re ready to book.

You are Wise. 

Are you wondering what’s next in your life or work?

Do you have a feeling that there’s something else waiting for you?

Do you have a question or decision to make but can’t quite figure it out?

You know you have the answers but they seem elusive. Coaching with Tathra is about helping you find your own answers by tapping into their inner wisdom.

Wisdom Council – a coaching process that assists in decision making or illuminating a path to a brighter future by accessing your innate wisdom.

Team or Group Coaching available by request. Contact Tathra to discuss. Or if you’re ready to book.
Working with Tathra always leads to insights and a new perspective. Either in coaching 1:1 or in groups, people feel safe to explore different ways of knowing and working together to make a difference. Check out new workshops here.

When a group of people come together for a specific purpose, there is always potential for magic to happen. Knowing that we are greater than the sum of our parts and experiencing it are two very different things. When collective intelligence emerges naturally from a discussion, that’s the magic.

Tathra is a seasoned facilitator that can bring the most out of a group by

  • exploring diverse perspectives among group members
  • creating a safe space to talk about challenging topics
  • handling difficult emotions that can arise
  • helping the group find the solution or decision that suits them best
  • keeping to time and the original intention of a gathering.

Find out more about how Tathra works with groups to help them find their own answers by activating their collective intelligence.

Tathra also teaches facilitation skills and mentors new facilitators upon request.

Tathra also facilitates learning experiences in the form of workshops for teams. Click here for more information.

Leadership Development via Human Centred Leadership

Tathra works with emerging leaders and those dedicated to matching their values with actions.

  • Starting with self-awareness – understanding your responses to difficult situations, how to calm a busy mind and get focused and present. Closing the intent-impact gap, because we don’t always know how our communication lands.
  • Working with others – A focus on people smarts and empathy. Learning to communicate across difference.
  • Bringing Perspective – Including diverse perspectives to make better decisions and create thriving cultures at work.
  • Collective Intelligence – Bringing it all together to improve our collective capacity to take responsibility to drive forward despite constant change and competing priorities.

Get in touch to find out more.

Thinking Differently

Do you have a complex problem that would benefit from an outside perspective?

Tathra’s approach is about looking beneath the surface and helping you discover what you didn’t realise you already knew.

If you’re sick of consultants telling you what to do, and not really getting it, and you’re after something a bit unconventional, you’re in the right place.

Find out more about creating a Culture of Leadership and inspiring leadership at every level.

You know your business.  

I illuminate the path to your own answers.  Finding clarity among the chaos. 

But, How Do We Do That?

My clients often say they “don’t know how to do x”. My experience shows we are far more capable than we believe ourselves to be. We can either find it in our inner resources or seek outer assistance.

Tapping into Your Wisdom

We all know things far beyond our own limited perception. When we can get past the chaos, the stress, the layers of uncertainty and doubt, something else emerges. Our innate wisdom. 

What Will it Take?

It takes a strong commitment and a willingness to stay present to your goal, work through the obstacles and ask for the help you need to get to the  other side. Are you ready? 

It’s time for something different. 

Let’s Get Started!