Monthly Archives: July 2017


TP 32: Reflecting on Tall Poppy

By | July 26th, 2017|Leadership, Tall Poppy|

Tall Poppy nearly didn't happen, and how it looks now, compared to the early episodes is quite different. Previous guest, Matt Kurowski interviews Tathra about what she's learned from 30 weeks of podcasting. Reflecting on the themes and voices of leadership highlighted by the Tall Poppy spotlight, this candid conversation explores the origins of the podcast, the barriers overcome prior to launch, the system that makes it work, editing quandaries, what has changed, and what the future holds. [hint, hint: LISTENER SURVEY] References to previous episodes: Alicia Draval Ep18 Jan Owen Ep4 Josh Spodek Ep29 Mark Crowley Ep19 Gus Harvey from Future [...]

TP 31: Abigail Forsyth KeepCup

By | July 5th, 2017|Consulting, Leadership, Small Business, Tall Poppy|

KeepCup has become Australia's best known re-useable cup, but it didn't start that way.  The humble beginnings for this BCorp include a prototype in a shoebox on a bicycle. Founder and CEO Abigail Forsyth shares what she learned when starting the business, what kept her honest, what's changed in the market re: the attitude toward disposable cups. She told us about what inspired her to question everything and how she plans to use her influence as a successful purpose-based business. With offices in UK and USA, and KeepCups being sold in 65 countries, it pays to stick to your principles! [...]