

Goal Setting – pointless or purposeful?

By | January 23rd, 2021|Future, Leadership, Productivity|

This box is out the back of the Coburg Town Hall as a smokers ballot box, it asks if people prefer reading or TV. It's obvious that there is a stronger preference for reading, but I wonder how many of us actually read more than watch TV. It's probably a bit like smoking, most people who smoke will tell you they prefer not to smoke. The difference between what we prefer and what we do can be a gap we struggle to face. Reading and TV is perhaps more innocuous than smoking or not. But it highlights something about [...]

Business Solves Today’s Problems

By | September 9th, 2016|Blog Challenge, Future, Leadership|

I imagine a world in which business solves today’s problems. So that... We use some of the significant wealth and resources in the business world to address issues like poverty and inequality, environmental degradation, and enables conflict resolution to prevent wars. The demonisation of business is replaced with respect because industry has earned the public's trust back. Today, business is seen as running in spite of people’s needs and oblivious to the limits of natural resources, with no regard to long-term sustainability. Commercial institutions are regarded as short-sighted, and uncaring entities that flog their widgets regardless of if they are actually needed or useful for [...]

The Ultimate Disrupter – originally posted in Smallville.com.au

By | July 11th, 2016|Leadership, Small Business|

You may be aware of some of my articles on Smallville.com.au, here is the first article originally published May 23,2016. Smallville is a community resource for Small Business owners that think big. Small Business is an underestimated force to be reckoned with. Yet the identity attached to Small Business is one of virtual insignificance. The vast majority of all businesses are in the Small and Medium Business category, they make up half of Australia’s employment and account for a third of its production. What if Small Businesses started to realise that there are more of them than Big Businesses? What [...]


By | March 31st, 2016|Uncategorized|

When I think about how the world is today, all the strife, the pain, distrust among us... The powers that be seem unable to make a difference. Attempts to address the problems seem absent. It's easy to feel sad, and even despair. I imagine a different world is possible. Business could occupy a very different space in society. There are lots of stereotypes about business and generalising about what it stands for. Currently, people don’t think of business as a place to get impartial advice or help. It’s seen as serving its own interests and willing to screw people [...]