Monthly Archives: April 2017


TP 25: Kathryn Molloy NGO Entrepreneur

By | April 26th, 2017|Coaching, Consulting, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Small Business, Tall Poppy, World|

Kathryn Molloy has been leading the way for over two decades in world-changing ventures. She has run businesses and large not for profit organisations. She has influenced state leaders, government ministers, and large corporations to make better decisions for the future of the planet. I was blessed to work with her 17 years ago and in this conversation, we reminisce about that time and explore what she has been doing since. Her collaborative leadership style continues to alter outcomes for environmental groups in BC, and improved environmental impacts of the Olympics. TOPICS COVERED 360 Feedback How to influence politicians [...]

TP 24: Charles Byrd Evernote Guru

By | April 18th, 2017|Future, Leadership, Productivity, Small Business, Tall Poppy, Technology|

Charles Byrd is an Evernote Guru and Joint Venture expert, he has a lot of wisdom about productivity, what makes it work, technology and how it can help free humans up to do what’s important to us. He talks about how he leveraged a 15-year career in Silicon Valley to launch his own company that scaled up more quickly than expected. Learn the secret ingredient, what inspired him early on, how he uses Evernote, how Tathra uses Evernote, and how their conversation piqued a thread about technology in service of humanity. RESOURCES Mentioned Byrd Word  Charles Byrd on LinkedIn, Facebook Evernote Course: Kill [...]

TP 23: David Holzmer on Disruption

By | April 11th, 2017|Change, Consulting, Emotional Intelligence, Future, Leadership, Tall Poppy, World|

David Holzmer, Ph.D. is an Organizational Behaviour Specialist and Consultant. He shares the insights from his research into sensemaking under conditions of ongoing disruption. He discussed the essentials for creative problem solving and innovation. And the changes in how we relate to each other, to today's world, and how all of this impacts our ability to deal effectively with the uncertainty, the ambiguous and uncharted territory many organisations find themselves in. What is the role of trust and psychological safety in the workplace? Why do we want simple, easy answers, and why has this created so much divisiveness? Why are we [...]

TP 22: Vern Fettke on Mentors

By | April 4th, 2017|Leadership, Small Business, Tall Poppy, Technology|

What role do mentors play in our society? How can we pass on learned knowledge instead of reinventing the wheel? Vern Fettke is a seasoned business owner, with a real desire to give back. He runs an award-winning financial services company in Melbourne's west and is very involved in community initiatives. We talked about his transition from the military to corporate life, how apprenticeships and succession planning fit together, and the relationship between celebrating failure and Australian bankruptcy laws. If you're interested in the big picture of mentorship, have a listen to see what you can take to heart from [...]