Stephen Dunns was a career CEO and now teaches about leadership and is exploring a new realm in the shadow side of leadership. What happens when virtues become vices? We discuss the impact of your ‘emotional wake’, the tension in wanting a hero leader but resenting them when we get them, the fact that we want to be in control but no one wants to be controlled. We get to hear Stephen reflect and share the path that went from feedback that gutted him, to being inquisitive, inclusive and a true leader in walking the talk. This is the one year anniversary of Tall Poppy and this episode provides stellar inspiration for anyone interested in leadership and humanity.


Stephen Duns on LinkedIn

Leadership Victoria 

Leadership Circle –Profile Accreditation

Brené Brown on shame as fear of disconnection

Gordon Wheeler –  Self and Shame (PDF) 

Human Synergistics

Complex adaptive systems

Alan Joyce CEO Qantas grounds fleet 2011

Ed O’Malley, of Kansas Leadership CentreYour Leadership Edge.

Peter Block – Community: the Structure of Belonging



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