Monthly Archives: April 2016


Will jobs be lost or changed?  – Future of Work: Part One

By | April 29th, 2016|News|

After being on the Comms team at the Future of Work Conference this year I came home with pages of notes. I've committed to writing at least three blog posts to share my insights and how they relate to my work, (and possibly yours). Here is the first one. The fear about job loss is both founded and unfounded. Perhaps we could look at it in a different way and see something different in this issue. The are predictions about job losses and large successful companies being disrupted, it sounds like a recipe for economic and social chaos. When [...]

Top Three Mistakes People Managers Make

By | April 11th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Becoming a manager or taking on any new role, we do the best we can with what we have. Even though we believe we can do the job, there are going to be challenges. Being responsible for a group of people can be daunting at times. There are going to be personality clashes, some of your team members may have been in the job longer than you, they may have applied for your job and didn’t get it. There are all manner of nuances and subtleties that we often aren’t aware of until we do something that feels like stepping on a [...]