

Change is in the Air – A 4 Tissue Affair

By | January 21st, 2021|Change, Emotional Intelligence, Future, Leadership, News, World|

Walking by a kebab shop, these words from the TV caught my attention: "The Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris." I moved closer to watch and hear her words. It's a historic day. I noticed emotion swell up in my chest,  just from the chorus of horns calling her to the virtual stage. Surprisingly evocative. I saw her dressed in black, addressing the nation, the world. I'm watching from Australia with the Nepali staffer behind the counter. I’m an Australian born, Canadian raised leadership futurist.  The Vice President began to speak. She acknowledged those whose shoulders she [...]

Post-Pandemic Resilience starts with Flexibility

By | April 20th, 2020|Change, Future, Leadership, News, Productivity, Self-Awareness, Uncategorized, World|

Preparing for a post-pandemic world involves being flexible now on our path to resilience. Adapting to the current context is crucial for those who are faring well to support those affected and coping less well. Human-centred leadership skills are fundamental to developing resilience, starting with flexibility.

By | October 7th, 2017|Change, News, World|

Wanted: Progressive or curious organisations interested in Unconscious Bias and it’s impacts on decision making, recruitment, diversity and workplace culture. I’m offering 60-90 minute workshops in October and November as part of the Do It In A Dress Campaign. Google has made their Unconscious Bias Workshop Materials available on a non-commercial basis. A perfect opportunity to raise funds to help educate girls in Africa while delivering the workshop to workplaces in Melbourne….in a dress. Why? Here’s the backstory. I have the privilege of a university degree. Yet I have experienced discrimination. Much of it subtle ‘micro-exclusions’ and some speculative. [...]

Sneak Peak: Tall Poppy a leadership podcast

By | November 14th, 2016|News|

She started from a very small seed, she was tossed around in the wind and landed where there wasn't much else around. She grew and reached up to the sun, she became, Tall Poppy. This idea has been in the works for the better part of this year. I have been doing interviews since June and after a little hiatus, we're back on track and just about ready to roll! Tall Poppy goes live this week! Here's a sneak peak at what's coming: The first 4 episodes are a series on Human Centred Leadership with some amazing leaders. Anthony [...]

Will jobs be lost or changed?  – Future of Work: Part One

By | April 29th, 2016|News|

After being on the Comms team at the Future of Work Conference this year I came home with pages of notes. I've committed to writing at least three blog posts to share my insights and how they relate to my work, (and possibly yours). Here is the first one. The fear about job loss is both founded and unfounded. Perhaps we could look at it in a different way and see something different in this issue. The are predictions about job losses and large successful companies being disrupted, it sounds like a recipe for economic and social chaos. When [...]