Monthly Archives: November 2017


TP 41: Josie McLean

By | November 29th, 2017|Change, Coaching, Consulting, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Tall Poppy|

This one is for the change managers and anyone involved in change making. Josie McLean of The Partnership shares the results of her research and turns change management on its head. She puts to rest many of the assumptions we make about organisational sustainability, workplace culture and the impact of imposing company values. This interview brings in mental models, systems thinking, a worldview that values interconnectedness and a human-centric perspective that embraces context, complexity, living systems and sustainability in it’s most ultimate form. Josie offers so much to ponder and really practical stuff around how to bring people management into [...]

TP 40: Stephen Duns on Leadership’s Shadow

By | November 16th, 2017|Consulting, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Self-Awareness, Tall Poppy|

Stephen Dunns was a career CEO and now teaches about leadership and is exploring a new realm in the shadow side of leadership. What happens when virtues become vices? We discuss the impact of your ‘emotional wake’, the tension in wanting a hero leader but resenting them when we get them, the fact that we want to be in control but no one wants to be controlled. We get to hear Stephen reflect and share the path that went from feedback that gutted him, to being inquisitive, inclusive and a true leader in walking the talk. This is the [...]

TP 38: Jen Storey

By | November 1st, 2017|Change, Consulting, Future, Leadership, Tall Poppy, Technology|

Today’s career path looks very different than our parent’s. Jen Storey's career path looks like a chicaning river. She’s worked across a wide array of industries, business sizes, in journalism, marketing, e-commerce, customer experience and now she focuses on advising organisations on disruption and innovation. True innovation. She helps us look at the future of work through a human lens where it looks less threatening. Thinking of the future, this is a person you really want working on large scale strategy, looking at what’s possible and what’s next. She believes in our ability to change and offers some practical [...]