

Leadership is Human-Centred

By | September 24th, 2016|Blog Challenge, Future, Leadership|

BONUS DAY 22 ReWrite the World Blog Challenge I imagine a world in which leadership is human-centred. So that.... Acts of leadership speak louder than positions of leadership. Those we work for care about our wellbeing more than the bottom line. Those who represent us in government are there to serve more than seek power and play political games. Leadership skills are taught in schools to empower children to be sovereign over their own existence and to hold the collective well-being as paramount in decision making. Today, leadership is as much a learned skill as it is a bestowed title. [...]

Vulnerability is Embraced as a Strength

By | August 25th, 2016|Blog Challenge, Emotional Intelligence, Future, Leadership, Self-Awareness|

ReWriting the World Blog Challenge Day 6 I imagine a world in which Vulnerability is embraced as a strength So that we can ask for help without shame. So that showing emotion is recognised as an important human trait that is normal and natural. So that those who express emotion are respected and revered. So that raising a new idea is met with encouragement and curiosity. So that putting yourself out there as an artist, entrepreneur or free thinker isn’t so scary. Currently, our society regards vulnerability as a weakness. This makes asking for help, posing new ideas, and creative expression seem difficult and scary things to do. This prevents [...]

We Take Responsibility for Collective Wellness

By | August 22nd, 2016|Blog Challenge, Future, Leadership|

ReWrite the World Blog Challenge Day 3   I imagine a world in which we take responsibility for collective wellness. So that... • We see the role we all play in our collective health, from physical to community to planetary. • We recognise the impact of our personal contribution to the macro and start by prioritising our personal wellbeing while giving care and attention to the big picture of wellness in our communities and on our planet.  • We improve our personal and planetary health, through a commitment to personal and planetary healing, and a recognition that they are [...]