

TP 41: Josie McLean

By | November 29th, 2017|Change, Coaching, Consulting, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Tall Poppy|

This one is for the change managers and anyone involved in change making. Josie McLean of The Partnership shares the results of her research and turns change management on its head. She puts to rest many of the assumptions we make about organisational sustainability, workplace culture and the impact of imposing company values. This interview brings in mental models, systems thinking, a worldview that values interconnectedness and a human-centric perspective that embraces context, complexity, living systems and sustainability in it’s most ultimate form. Josie offers so much to ponder and really practical stuff around how to bring people management into [...]

Resistance is not futile – How to be a powerful change agent

By | September 23rd, 2016|Change, Leadership|

You know the feeling, like you’re getting messages from the ‘Borg, that resistance is futile. You know that something has to change but it feels like there’s no point trying. It can bring a feeling of defeat. Don’t believe the hype. Things change, it’s part of life. Change is the only constant, it’s inevitable. And even though it seems entirely unlikely, trust me when I say, when you feel you can't affect change, YOU CAN. Here are a few things that will help you see that it’s true. That you can become a powerful change agent. Seeing our seeing [...]

Business Solves Today’s Problems

By | September 9th, 2016|Blog Challenge, Future, Leadership|

I imagine a world in which business solves today’s problems. So that... We use some of the significant wealth and resources in the business world to address issues like poverty and inequality, environmental degradation, and enables conflict resolution to prevent wars. The demonisation of business is replaced with respect because industry has earned the public's trust back. Today, business is seen as running in spite of people’s needs and oblivious to the limits of natural resources, with no regard to long-term sustainability. Commercial institutions are regarded as short-sighted, and uncaring entities that flog their widgets regardless of if they are actually needed or useful for [...]

Empathy is Ubiquitous

By | September 8th, 2016|Blog Challenge, Emotional Intelligence, Future, Leadership|

reWrite the World Blog Challenge Day 20 I imagine a world in which empathy is ubiquitous so that... Emotions are met with openness, curiosity and compassion. Concerns and misgivings are aired and dealt with in an openhearted manner. Edge dwellers are accepted for their eccentricity without judgement or social isolation. Today we judge before seeking to understand. Many of our emotions go unexpressed and are associated with shame and fear. Our emotionally phobic culture validates our tendency to squelch our emotions and perpetuates social isolation, enforcing a rigid scope of 'normalcy'.  Our frayed social fabric is marked by disconnection. [...]

Personal Responsibility is Common Practice

By | September 6th, 2016|Blog Challenge, Future, Leadership|

reWrite the World Blog Challenge Day 18 I imagine a world in which personal responsibility is common practice, so that... Integrity is routine and a choice rather than an obligation Transgressions are fleeting because they’re dealt with promptly Parliamentary sessions discuss political matters respectfully and gain a deeper understanding of issues Today our culture is rife with finger pointing, blame and deflection of responsibility. Our political leaders, celebrities and even our justice system have questionable morality the way 'being responsible' is modelled for society. According to Billboard Magazine, “It wasn’t me” by Shaggy was the first #1 song of [...]

Technology is Designed with the Big Picture in Mind

By | September 5th, 2016|Blog Challenge, Future, Leadership|

ReWrite the World Blog Challenge Day 17 I imagine a world in which technology is designed with the big picture in mind. So that... Excitement is more present than fear when people think about technology and the future. Products are produced with users at the core of their design. Resources used in technological innovations are oriented around best use and least waste.   Current state example. Today we see a lot of our products end up in landfill after a single use, we seem to have a love-hate relationship with technology. E-waste is a huge issue, often the result of [...]

Peace Begins at Home

By | August 21st, 2016|Blog Challenge, Future, Leadership|

ReWrite the World Blog Challenge Day 2 I imagine a world in which peace begins at home. So that conflict resolution is a common occurrence, diffusing and preventing violence and the emotional scars that remain. So that families address conflict before it causes damage to hearts, minds and bodies. So that healthy discussion enables differences of opinion to co-exist as a matter of course. So that nation states focus on peaceful resolution of differences and unmet expectations.   Today,  35% of women globally, experience physical and/or sexual violence, primarily by their intimate partners. Children learn to deal with frustration and conflict using violence. It starts in [...]

The Ultimate Disrupter – originally posted in

By | July 11th, 2016|Leadership, Small Business|

You may be aware of some of my articles on, here is the first article originally published May 23,2016. Smallville is a community resource for Small Business owners that think big. Small Business is an underestimated force to be reckoned with. Yet the identity attached to Small Business is one of virtual insignificance. The vast majority of all businesses are in the Small and Medium Business category, they make up half of Australia’s employment and account for a third of its production. What if Small Businesses started to realise that there are more of them than Big Businesses? What [...]

Will jobs be lost or changed?  – Future of Work: Part One

By | April 29th, 2016|News|

After being on the Comms team at the Future of Work Conference this year I came home with pages of notes. I've committed to writing at least three blog posts to share my insights and how they relate to my work, (and possibly yours). Here is the first one. The fear about job loss is both founded and unfounded. Perhaps we could look at it in a different way and see something different in this issue. The are predictions about job losses and large successful companies being disrupted, it sounds like a recipe for economic and social chaos. When [...]